Sunday, February 8, 2009

Think Assertively... Communicate Assertively

Want to know the secret of every powerful communicator? It's assertive communication!

The powerful communicator is one who adopts the assertive mindset. Being assertive dictates that we should see ourselves equal with that person we are communicating with regardless of culture, rank, or even age. It is freely expressing your needs and wants in a manner that would show the other person that you value his or her rights as well. The assertive mindset, expressed simply, is I=You.

Assertiveness is different from aggressiveness because being aggressive means disrespecting the other person in order to express his wants or needs, so that these get to be fulfilled. Aggressive thinking says I>You.

Assertiveness is not also submissiveness because being submissive is depriving yourself the right to say what you want to say because you see yourself, your opinions and feelings, insignificant compared with the the other person. This translates to I< You.

So, everytime you engage yourself in communication, it is advised that you always think assertively. See yourself as important as the person you are communicating with; your ideas as relevant; and your feelings as worth noting. This is the secret of powerful and successful communicators.

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